miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Avispa gigante asiática y abeja

miércoles 6 de noviembre de 2013

Avispa gigante asiática y abeja

Foto: An Asian Giant Hornet with a European Honey Bee.
It does not take very many of these giant hornets to  obliterate a European honey bee hive - they seek the defenseless larvae.  Fortunately they do not only hunt honey bees, and in Japan, the native Apis cerana japonica, has a defensive strategy that works well.  Native Japanese honey bees detect the pheromone of the scout giant wasp, and gather in numbers, hidden behind a wide-open entrance.  The  giant wasp scout enters, and the honey bees mob the wasp, making a ball of hundreds of bees - then they vibrate their flight muscles to raise the temperature to 115°F, these exertions also raise the level of carbon dioxide in the ball.  The giant wasps do not endure.  European honey bees (Apis mellifera) do not have this defensive behavior strategy.
Here is a National Geographic video:

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