lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

Tailandia. Miel con jalea real

lunes 7  de marzo de 2016
Bandera de Tailandia

Tailandia. Miel con jalea real

royal jelly

Royal Jelly Honey

100% pure Royal Jelly from Thailand mixed with honey in
proportion in order to obtain the most value of Royal Jelly.

Fresh Royal Jelly has sour and spicy taste and is
difficult to consume . In order maintain its value , fresh Royal Jelly must always be frozen which makes it inappropriate to distribute/export to foreign countries.

Therefore we mix it with honey to improve its flavour for easy consumption by consumers and it is not necessary to be frozen at all times. It can be stored in room temperature , hence makes it suitable for export to foreign countries.

General Informations :

Royal jelly is secreted from the glands in the heads of the worker bees and is fed to all bee larvae.
After 3 days , worker larvae are no longer fed with royal jelly , but queen larvae continue to be fed this special substances throughout their development.
Worker bees have a life span of 2 months while queen bees (fed with royal jelly) have a life span of 6 years.

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