jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2022

Paris International Honey Competition PIHA 2023


PARIS International Honey Awards (PIHA 2023) <info@confexpoglobal.info>Cancelar suscripción
mié, 21 sept a las 07:12
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International Honey

PIHA 2023

A wide evaluation of your HONEY branding
PARIS Honey Awards 2023

Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business, large or small, retail or B2B. An effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets.

Why Paris Honey awards need to be an integral part of your marketing strategy?
Paris Honey Awards 2023 offer a key way to refine your goals for the year and bring benefits including increased exposure as well as networking. Each award entry needs to be treated as a bespoke marketing campaign.

If Paris awards aren’t yet on your agenda, you are missing out!

- Paris QUALITY honey awards

The word “Paris” is a Global trade mark. If you win a “Paris award 2023”, your product will be famous around the world. Also, your company will win recognition in International markets. Modern Paris is the metropolis that globalization created, and Paris is the “styled” city of the planet.

Register your brand Now!!

Fill out your participation form:

- Participation fee is €250 EUROS per product. Summer Edition discount, Participation fee €200 euros/product

- Paris PACKAGING honey awards

Inspire your brand. Paris Honey Awards 2023 establish true value for your brands. Graphic designers will be the judges for a packaging honey competition.

Register your brand Now!!

Fill out your participation form:

- Participation fee is €250 EUROS per product. Summer Edition discount, Participation fee €200 euros/product

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