domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Turquía. 3º Congreso Internacional de Apicultura y melatos de pino de la provincia de Mugla

domingo 28 de octubre de 2012
Bandera Turquía

Turquía. 3º Congreso Internacional de Apicultura y 

melatos de pino de la provincia de Mugla

Entre el 1 y el 4 de noviembre de 2012, se realizará el congreso en Mugla, Turquía. Es la región donde se produce el 90% de los melatos de pino del mundo. Es una oportunidad para establecer lazos comerciales, y realizar visitas técnicas pre y post congreso.

Over 90% of the world’s pine honey is produced in Turkey, and Muğla province alone accounts for 75% of it. Ever since the introduction of apiculture in Turkey, Muğla has been playing a leading role. The province is home to 8% of all beehives and contributes 20% to total national honey production

From 1 to 4 November 2012, the “3rd International Beekeeping and Pine Honey Congress”will be held in Marmaris, Muğla organised by the Union of Beekepers of Muğla Province, and the Apiculture and Sericulture Research and Implementation Centre of Muğla University. The event will be attended by invited national and international experts as speakers, and is accompanied by a fair. With the national and international participation in the congress & fair, the organisation is expected to become a highlight event.

The fair offers participants the opportunity to establish new business ties and strengthen existing relations. Every year from September to December, the pine honey season brings beekepers together in the Aegean region with the majority staying in Muğla province. Our congress has been timed to fall into this period which allows for interesting technical trips and visits to apiculturists before, during and after the event. Participants will have the opportunity to share their experience with national and international colleagues and with beekepers in the field; and the event gives us the opportunity to give you a taste of our proverbial hospitality.

Marmaris is a port city and one of the most popular tourism destinations in Turkey. City is a major centre for sailing, possessing two major and several smaller marinas. It is a popular wintering location for hundreds of cruising boaters. It has around 28 000 inhabitants, however the population can be up to 300,000 during the height of the tourist-season.

For more information about the congress please visit our website: Please contact us, if you have any questions or suggestions.

It is our great pleasure to welcome you in lovely Marmaris.

Sincerely yours,

Prof.Dr.Mustafa IŞILOĞLU
Mugla University Vice Rector

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