miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

USA. Festejos día Nacional de la Abeja

miércoles 15 de agosto de 2012
Bandera Estados Unidos

Zagat - we gatzzzz you and we are so glad...
Robin Lapidus

Por By Naomi Kooker
El 18 de agosto se celebra el día Nacional de la Abeja, y en Central Square de Cambridge se realiza una fiesta en la calle para celebrarlo, con degustacion de mieles, consejos para utilizar cera de abejas y miel para curaciones  y otras actividades 

Por By Naomi Kooker

On August 16, take to honey like a bee when Central Square hosts a block party (where Massachusetts Avenue and Main Street meet Columbia) celebrating National Honey Bee Day, happening on August 18. This Thursday night soiree includes an array of offerings to sample at the honey-tasting tent (thanks to the Follow the Honey boutique), music and readings by Toni Bee, the city’s populist poet. There will be tips on how to use beeswax and honey in healing and herbal remedies as well. Oh, and don’t forget to wear yellow and black (6-8:30 PM; free and open to the public;
          617-864-3211      www.centralsquarecambridge.com).

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