miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

Nueva Zelandia. Mieles para la salud

miércoles 23 de noviembre de 2011

Mieles para la salud de Nueva Zelandia

Elprincipio activoAAH (Miel antibacteriana y antioxidante) es un factor antibacterial y antioxidante de la miel ampliamente probado e investigado. sólo la miel de manuka, miel de melato y de timo de Airborne contiene el AAH. Son las únicas mieles de Nueva Zelandia altas en actividad antibacteriana, antioxidante y en oligosacáridos.

Airborne Health honeys 

ACTIVE AAH (Antibacterial Antioxidant Honey) is an extensively researched and proven antibacterial and antioxidant factor in honey. Only Airborne Health Manuka, Honeydew and Thyme contain ACTIVE AAH. They are the only honeys in New Zealand that are high in antibacterial activity, antioxidants and oligosaccharides.

Airborne Health are the best health honeys because they are high in:
Antibacterial activity
Honeys high in antibacterial activity have been proven to improve wound healing, and can help to improve your health. Airborne Health Manuka, Honeydew and Thyme have up to 173% more antibacterial activity than New Zealand Clover honey. As every case differs, please check with your doctor before using these honeys as a wound dressing.

Antioxidants deactivate free-radicals, which are caused by air, sunlight and pollution. They have been medically recognised as the cause of degenerative skin diseases, such as wrinkles and skin discolouration and can damage cells and harm the immune system. Eating foods high in antioxidants can help limit these negative effects.

Oligosaccharides are a Prebiotic (food for a Probiotic) which helps maintain and increase the number of ‘good’ bacteria in the digestive system and reduce the amount of ‘bad’ bacteria (particularly beneficial after taking antibiotics). They also increase absorption of calcium and magnesium, and help eliminate toxins.

Scientifically proven
Extensive research was undertaken by Dr Geoffrey Savage, Associate Professor of Food Biochemistry at Lincoln University, on antibacterial and antioxidant activity (ACTIVE AAH) in New Zealand honeys. He is a world-renowned food biochemist and one of New Zealand’s leading authorities on the health benefits of antioxidants in food. Dr Savage and his team found that:
Airborne ManukaHoneydew and Thyme contained extremely high, naturally occurring levels of antibacterial activity and antioxidants – far more than any other honey varietals.
Airborne Honeydew also contained oligosaccharides, which improve gut health.

ACTIVE AAH honeys are unique because they are the only health honeys that are rigorously tested by reliable scientific methods. This guarantees that every jar contains the activity rating stated on the front of the pack and therefore that every jar is active – something only Airborne Health can guarantee.
Every jar also contains a pollen count, which indicates how much pollen is in the honey. Airborne Health contains the maximum amount of pollen in each jar, ensuring it contains only the best quality active honey available.

For maximum benefit take 2-3 tsp daily.

Health tips
Try eating Honeydew with yoghourt. The oligosaccharides in Honeydew provide food for the good bacteria in the yoghourt (acidophilus and bifidus), ensuring that the yoghourt delivers maximum health benefits

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